Saturday, March 28, 2009

Family vacation to Florida

We traveled down to Florida in March to visit Kian's grandparents, aunt and uncle. It was our first vacation with Kian and it couldn't have gone better! Kian was so well behaved on the airplane ride that people commented that they didn't even realize there was a baby on board.

We spent most of the trip visiting with family and Kian loved being the center of attention.

We went to two Red Sox games while we were in Florida and Kian was given a baseball during each game.

Kian also took his first trip to the beach during this vacation. He had a great time in the sand (until he decided to eat a handful of it) and he was sure to wear sunblock!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Kian's first sledding adventure

We got about a foot of snow last weekend, so it seemed like a good time to bring Kian outside to play. We only made it to our backyard and we used his bathtub as a sled, but he didn't seem to mind. We're definitely looking forward to the warm weather, though!